Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gear up for the holiday season with ceramics

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen;

In less than thirty days I will be back from Iraq, and back to serve you at Ceramic Notions. I like to take this time to thank all of our customers for supporting us during this period of my absence. I would further like to request your continued support by ordering a 16 inch tall ceramic Christmas Tree. For every order, 25% of profits will be donated to Soldier's Angels who provide an array of support for soldiers and their families. To find out more of what they do visit

The holiday season and gift buying days are approaching fast. I would like you to consider the option of a homemade ceramic gift verses buying cheap imports. If you prefer you can make a ceramic gift yourself or have something custom made. A true gift from heart is something purposely made with that special someone in mind. With our country in economic stress now is the time to band together as a community, and for you to support your local small business in order send a message to the large corporations that want you to buy imported gifts as they send more jobs overseas. Now is the time for small businesses to serve their community on the front line. What better way to get back to the basics where the majority of products where created in the home and traded among neighbors than to support your local craftsman. This is the tradition of the small business and especially craft businesses such as Ceramic Notions.

Furthermore, I realize the stress level of the common working family is rising. As financial matters impact us all Ceramic Notions would like to express that we are here to serve you. The ceramic process is therapeutic and our social environment helps to relieve the tension. Sometimes you just need someone to listen so you can hear yourself think out loud without someone trying to solve your problems. We all need someone to pray with, encourage us and bare our burdens with us. As members of Christ we are call to love our neighbors in this manner. Ceramic Notions' studio is a great place to experience this. If you want to create a project and simply focus your entire thoughts on it, great. We are here to serve. Come in, make a mess, and we will do the clean up. If you want to talk we are here to listen too. I urge all of you to test your creative ability with ceramics. We can show you the basics and help guide you along the way. This holiday season create a gift for your love ones, while taking care of your health. You might even have fun doing it! Until we meet again I leave you with this thought..."A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

-CEO, Ceramic Notions Inc.